Everyone has a dream!

I am breaking one of the basic rules of blogging by veering off the main idea of my blog, talking about books in a movie.  I have watched a lot of movies lately, but one in particular touched me and I was surprised.  Last Vegas is a comedy about three sixtyish males that throw a bachelor’s party for their self-declared bachelor friend.

Last Vegas is a funny and sometimes thought provoking movie.  The characters in the movie struggle with different aspects of their lives.  One mourns the loss of his wife; another mourns the loss of his freedom: his son never lets him “do” anything.  One character is very successful but doesn’t realize until this trip what is truly important in his life: friends and real love.christmas tree

While in Las Vegas, the friends, with the help of each other, rediscover themselves and the importance of truly living their lives.  On January 1st, a lot of people write New Year’s Resolutions about things they want to change in their lives.  Why not start now, by thinking about your dreams.  Instead of thinking about Christmas as “another holiday to get through”, think about it as a renewal time.  A time to really consider what is important in your life and LIVE!

One thought on “Everyone has a dream!

  1. This is a very interesting blog and it ties right in to the sermon we had this past Sunday. Our preacher recommended that instead of having déjà vu this Christmas we have vu ja de. Experience things again as though it is your first time.

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